My iPhone 4S battery replacement experience

After one year of service the battery of my iPhone 4S started to show signs of weakness. When I used the data connection or the GPS more than usual, the device often ran out of power before the end of the day. I worked around the issue by disabled I few things including the Bluetooth and even the Wi-Fi. My cellular plan includes enough data per month and the 3G network is fast enough in Paris that I could update apps and download podcasts painlessly via 3G.

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iPhone apps are not magically secure

I have been wondering about the iPhone apps security for a long time. Most apps are connected to some sort of web service but are they using SSL? We spent so much time educating users to check the security icon in their web browser and now the iPhone comes out and nobody cares anymore! That bugs me so I decided to find out.

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Tips to Prepare for Travel Photography

Next month I am going to Istanbul, Turkey. I have not been taking a lot of pictures this winter so it will be the perfect opportunity to pick up my camera. When I travel somewhere for the first time, I like to plan ahead for both visits and photography. There is a lot of tools available for that on Internet. Let me share a few of my favorites.

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